Pre-trained language models for programming languages have shown a powerful ability on processing many Software Engineering (SE) tasks, e.g., program synthesis, code completion, and code search. However, it remains to be seen what is behind their success. Recent studies have examined how pre-trained models can effectively learn syntax information based on Abstract Syntax Trees. In this paper, we figure out what role the self-attention mechanism plays in understanding code syntax and semantics based on AST and static analysis. We focus on a well-known representative code model, CodeBERT, and study how it can learn code syntax and semantics by the self-attention mechanism and Masked Language Modelling (MLM) at the token level. We propose a group of probing tasks to analyze CodeBERT. Based on AST and static analysis, we establish the relationships among the code tokens. First, Our results show that CodeBERT can acquire syntax and semantics knowledge through self-attention and MLM. Second, we demonstrate that the self-attention mechanism pays more attention to dependence-relationship tokens than to other tokens. Different attention heads play different roles in learning code semantics; we show that some of them are weak at encoding code semantics. Different layers have different competencies to represent different code properties. Deep CodeBERT layers can encode the semantic information that requires some complex inference in the code context. More importantly, we show that our analysis is helpful and leverage our conclusions to improve CodeBERT. We show an alternative approach for pre-training models, which makes fully use of the current pre-training strategy, i.e, MLM, to learn code syntax and semantics, instead of combining features from different code data formats, e.g., data-flow, running-time states, and program outputs.
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The number of international benchmarking competitions is steadily increasing in various fields of machine learning (ML) research and practice. So far, however, little is known about the common practice as well as bottlenecks faced by the community in tackling the research questions posed. To shed light on the status quo of algorithm development in the specific field of biomedical imaging analysis, we designed an international survey that was issued to all participants of challenges conducted in conjunction with the IEEE ISBI 2021 and MICCAI 2021 conferences (80 competitions in total). The survey covered participants' expertise and working environments, their chosen strategies, as well as algorithm characteristics. A median of 72% challenge participants took part in the survey. According to our results, knowledge exchange was the primary incentive (70%) for participation, while the reception of prize money played only a minor role (16%). While a median of 80 working hours was spent on method development, a large portion of participants stated that they did not have enough time for method development (32%). 25% perceived the infrastructure to be a bottleneck. Overall, 94% of all solutions were deep learning-based. Of these, 84% were based on standard architectures. 43% of the respondents reported that the data samples (e.g., images) were too large to be processed at once. This was most commonly addressed by patch-based training (69%), downsampling (37%), and solving 3D analysis tasks as a series of 2D tasks. K-fold cross-validation on the training set was performed by only 37% of the participants and only 50% of the participants performed ensembling based on multiple identical models (61%) or heterogeneous models (39%). 48% of the respondents applied postprocessing steps.
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Weakly supervised semantic segmentation (WSSS) with image-level labels is a challenging task in computer vision. Mainstream approaches follow a multi-stage framework and suffer from high training costs. In this paper, we explore the potential of Contrastive Language-Image Pre-training models (CLIP) to localize different categories with only image-level labels and without any further training. To efficiently generate high-quality segmentation masks from CLIP, we propose a novel framework called CLIP-ES for WSSS. Our framework improves all three stages of WSSS with special designs for CLIP: 1) We introduce the softmax function into GradCAM and exploit the zero-shot ability of CLIP to suppress the confusion caused by non-target classes and backgrounds. Meanwhile, to take full advantage of CLIP, we re-explore text inputs under the WSSS setting and customize two text-driven strategies: sharpness-based prompt selection and synonym fusion. 2) To simplify the stage of CAM refinement, we propose a real-time class-aware attention-based affinity (CAA) module based on the inherent multi-head self-attention (MHSA) in CLIP-ViTs. 3) When training the final segmentation model with the masks generated by CLIP, we introduced a confidence-guided loss (CGL) to mitigate noise and focus on confident regions. Our proposed framework dramatically reduces the cost of training for WSSS and shows the capability of localizing objects in CLIP. Our CLIP-ES achieves SOTA performance on Pascal VOC 2012 and MS COCO 2014 while only taking 10% time of previous methods for the pseudo mask generation. Code is available at
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With the drive to create a decentralized digital economy, Web 3.0 has become a cornerstone of digital transformation, developed on the basis of computing-force networking, distributed data storage, and blockchain. With the rapid realization of quantum devices, Web 3.0 is being developed in parallel with the deployment of quantum cloud computing and quantum Internet. In this regard, quantum computing first disrupts the original cryptographic systems that protect data security while reshaping modern cryptography with the advantages of quantum computing and communication. Therefore, in this paper, we introduce a quantum blockchain-driven Web 3.0 framework that provides information-theoretic security for decentralized data transferring and payment transactions. First, we present the framework of quantum blockchain-driven Web 3.0 with future-proof security during the transmission of data and transaction information. Next, we discuss the potential applications and challenges of implementing quantum blockchain in Web 3.0. Finally, we describe a use case for quantum non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and propose a quantum deep learning-based optimal auction for NFT trading to maximize the achievable revenue for sufficient liquidity in Web 3.0. In this way, the proposed framework can achieve proven security and sustainability for the next-generation decentralized digital society.
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Self-supervised learning (SSL) methods such as WavLM have shown promising speech separation (SS) results in small-scale simulation-based experiments. In this work, we extend the exploration of the SSL-based SS by massively scaling up both the pre-training data (more than 300K hours) and fine-tuning data (10K hours). We also investigate various techniques to efficiently integrate the pre-trained model with the SS network under a limited computation budget, including a low frame rate SSL model training setup and a fine-tuning scheme using only the part of the pre-trained model. Compared with a supervised baseline and the WavLM-based SS model using feature embeddings obtained with the previously released 94K hours trained WavLM, our proposed model obtains 15.9% and 11.2% of relative word error rate (WER) reductions, respectively, for a simulated far-field speech mixture test set. For conversation transcription on real meeting recordings using continuous speech separation, the proposed model achieves 6.8% and 10.6% of relative WER reductions over the purely supervised baseline on AMI and ICSI evaluation sets, respectively, while reducing the computational cost by 38%.
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本文介绍了一个新型的流媒体自动语音识别(ASR)框架,用于由带有任意几何形状的遥远麦克风阵列捕获的多对话者重叠语音。我们的名为T-Sot-VA的框架在独立开发了两种最近的技术上。基于令牌级别的序列化输出训练(T-SOT),数量几何形状 - 反应连续的语音分离或VARARRARY和流媒体多对话者ASR。为了结合两种技术的最佳,我们新设计了一个基于T-SOT的ASR模型,该模型基于Vararray的两个分离的语音信号生成序列化的多对话者转录。我们还为这种ASR模型提出了一种预训练方案,我们基于单膜单键式ASR训练数据来模拟Vararray的输出信号。使用AMI会议语料库的对话转录实验表明,基于提议的框架的系统大大优于常规的框架。我们的系统分别在保留流媒体推理能力的同时,在多远离微米频道设置中分别实现了AMI开发和评估集的最新单词错误率为13.7%和15.5%。
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两阶段探测器在3D对象检测中已广受欢迎。大多数两阶段的3D检测器都使用网格点,体素电网或第二阶段的ROI特征提取的采样关键点。但是,这种方法在处理不均匀分布和稀疏的室外点方面效率低下。本文在三个方面解决了这个问题。 1)动态点聚集。我们建议补丁搜索以快速在本地区域中为每个3D提案搜索点。然后,将最远的体素采样采样用于均匀采样点。特别是,体素尺寸沿距离变化,以适应点的不均匀分布。 2)Ro-Graph Poling。我们在采样点上构建本地图,以通过迭代消息传递更好地模型上下文信息和地雷关系。 3)视觉功能增强。我们引入了一种简单而有效的融合策略,以补偿具有有限语义提示的稀疏激光雷达点。基于这些模块,我们将图形R-CNN构建为第二阶段,可以将其应用于现有的一阶段检测器,以始终如一地提高检测性能。广泛的实验表明,图R-CNN的表现优于最新的3D检测模型,而Kitti和Waymo Open DataSet的差距很大。我们在Kitti Bev汽车检测排行榜上排名第一。代码将在\ url {}上找到。
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大型语言模型在各种问题答案(QA)基准测试方面取得了高度的性能,但其产出的解释性仍然难以捉摸。最近建议将结构化的解释称为“综合树”,以解释和检查质量检查系统的答案。为了更好地生成此类树木,我们提出了一种称为迭代检索生成推理​​器(IRGR)的架构。我们的模型能够通过系统地生成文本前提的分步解释来解释给定的假设。 IRGR模型迭代地搜索合适的场所,一次构建单个零件步骤。与以前的方法相反,我们的方法结合了生成步骤和房屋的检索,允许模型利用中间结论,并减轻基线编码器模型的输入大小限制。我们使用IntailmentBank数据集进行实验,在该数据集中,我们在前提检索和索引树上的现有基准优于现有的基准,总体正确性增长了约300%。
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本文介绍了流式扬声器的自动语音识别(SA-ASR)模型,该模型可以识别``即使多个人同时讲话,谁说'谁说什么”。我们的模型基于令牌级的序列化输出培训(T-SOT),该培训最近提议以流媒体方式转录多对词的演讲。为了进一步认识说话者的身份,我们提出了一个基于编码器的扬声器嵌入提取器,该扬声器可以估算每个公认的代币的说话者表示,不仅是从非重叠的语音中,而且还来自重叠的语音。所提出的扬声器嵌入为T-vector,与T-SOT ASR模型同步提取,从而可以通过低潜伏期的多词器转录来联合执行说话者识别(SID)或说话者诊断(SD)。我们通过使用LibrisPeechMix和Libralics Corpora评估了ASR和SID/SD联合任务的建议模型。所提出的模型比以前的流媒体模型获得了更高的准确性,并且与最新的离线SA-ASR模型显示出可比甚至更高的结果。
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